Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010
I'm finally elaborating!! 4 months later... ;)
This is what happens when Kade flies over the handle bars of his mountain bike!
Salmon River
The whole gang
Kade sporting the bird hat!
The 3 generations of important men in my life.
Kade, my Grandpa and my dad way off in the distance.
(the guy in the shorts is my sister's father in law)
Kade didn't catch any fish, but he finally caught a crawdad!
What a beautiful place to try out fly fishing
I'm still not very good at getting current pics of this beautiful little girl. She's even more cute now that she is 6 months old. :)
Our fall drive
So there is a visual tour of our summer/fall activities minus our FANTASTIC trip to Mexico. That will have to be a post all by itself. There are just too many great pics.
A quick catch up of the other things I wrote about. Kade's location has picked up over the last little while. He is now around the 900 hour mark! YAY!!! So close! My company recovered and we are all back to "normal" now. I finished my PHR class in November and took the certification test in January which I PASSED!!! What that means now is that I'm certified in Human Resources. Basically I have a piece of paper that says I know what I'm talking about, and I'll hopefully be able to get good HR jobs where ever we end up.
Well there you have it! We're just pluggin' away. Hopefully now that I've done that, I'll be better at blogging more frequently. Wish me luck!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
We're not dead!
Kade moved home and has taken over as the Director of Operations in the West Jordan location. It's still a hard move because they aren't as busy in this location as they were when he was in Idaho, so it's taking longer to get his 1000 hours. It is, however, REALLY nice being a married couple again.
Shortly after he moved home we received an offer on our condo that was actually more than we were selling for! We sold and actually made money on it!! So we have been condo-less since mid May, and have been really fortunate to be staying with my parents while paying down other debt.
Kade began mountain biking with his brothers this summer. They have had some pretty fun adventures, but unfortunately we don't have many pictures. I actually only have one of Kade, but that will come later when I elaborate. We also decided to get a bike for me this summer so I could attempt to keep up. We have pictures to show how that didn't work out so well for me. Never-the-less I have continued to try, and will keep trying for some bizarre reason called love.... :)
Over the 4th of July weekend we went to the Salmon River. As always, we had a FANTASTIC time! We had some extra people there that only added to the fun, and in some cases, created more of an adventure than planned.
In August we were fortunate enough to go to Akumal, Mexico with Adrienne, Travis and some of Travis' family. What an amazing and much needed vacation! Thank you Adrienne and Travis for putting that together for all of us!!! We have a TON of pictures, so the hard part of telling that story is going to be picking out which ones to post.
On August 29th my baby sister gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl! This is the only picture I'm posting this go round because she's so cute!! That, and it's easier to just post the one pic and keep this post shorter.
After vacation and Sadie's birth, things got stressful for us! Kade has had ups and downs at work thinking he's going to get more students, then finding out they aren't able to get all the funding required. He is, luckily, busy enough that he is getting hours and moving toward that all important 1000. My company had an accident that almost cost us our jobs, but instead required us to work insanely long hours. Given the situation, I was happy to work those hours! I also started a PHR (Professional of Human Resources) class so I've been pretty busy with that.
With all the insanity we have had this fall, we have also been able to take some time to enjoy this BEAUTIFUL fall weather! I have been amazed at what a great season autumn has been this year. I try to make sure that Kade and I take a drive through the mountains in the fall to see the leaves, and to just get out of the city for a few hours. We were able to get about half way then had to turn around, but I have some pretty pictures from that.
Well, there is the quick run through. Surprisingly it took me longer to get that all put together than I thought, so I'm going to have to elaborate at another time. I hope this gave you an idea of the few adventures we've had this summer. I have to admit, I'm not quite ready for the holidays to be just around the corner!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Home Again Home Again, Jiggity Jig
Before I go any further, I need to say a HUGE thank you to my dad and Ramona. They have been so willing to help both Kade and I throughout this whole situation. Because Kade and I are still trying to get rid of our condo they have been kind enough to allow Kade to move in to their house as well. That way our condo will remain in pristine condition whenever someone wants to walk through. So THANK YOU! We love you!
Kade starting out on his journey
Not so sure about this choice of activities...
Being rescued by Dave whose not roped up!
A few more encouraging words from his friend Dave
Look at my brave man swinging on a rope while his friend climbs the treacherous way down... The good thing is that Kade knows he deserves to be teased about this little episode!
Kolton tests out the waters... looks comfortable, huh?!
Kolton passing Kade's courageous mark
And true to Gourley tradition, a challenge has been issued... Which brother will prevail?
Uh oh, here comes Kade!
That's right! Passing up Kolton! Go Baby!
This looks like a good place to stop.
But Kolton doesn't give up that easily. He beats Kade by only a few feet. Good job Kolt!
You couldn't tell by the climbing pictures, but it was INCREDIBLY WINDY!!
Our hike back down. You see that little red van? That's where we have to go. Good thing we're hard core adventure seeking individuals....... right!
We finished up our thrill seeking for this trip up to Idaho, so it was time to pack up and say goodbye. I have to admit, we fit a lot more stuff in that one room than either one of us thought possible. But one of the hardest parts of this weekend was Kade saying "see ya" to his wonderful roommates. Thank you so much Grandma and Grandpa Wheeler! We love you so much and are so grateful for the continuing love and support you have given to us, and especially Kade. He got a little teary eyed saying farewell. Thank you for being so willing to take him in for so long, and for letting him know that he is welcome back at any time. That his room will be waiting. Thank you for being such a wonderful example of kindness and generosity. And thank you for being so inspiring to everyone who knows you. We love you!
So that is our new adventure. Thoughts and prayers on Kade's behalf would be very appreciated! He is nervous about this new job and what it holds for us. It is going to be a trial in and of itself getting used to this new situation. As always, thank you for reading!
Love, Kade and Megan
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Precious Merceydez
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Has it been 2 months???
Pre-flight stuff
Kody gets hands on!
Two big boys, One small chopper!
This 44 looks a little more cozy for men of this size.
How hot is Kody in these foggles???
Kody said going up was AWESOME!! Hopefully we'll be able to take the rest of Kade's family up soon.
Two weeks later was Valentines Day. I decided to get a hotel room for the night. We have discovered that while we love and are so appreciative of what my grandparents and parents are doing to help us out, it's nice to have our own little space every once in a while. It was a pretty nice weekend! Kade worked for a while during the day, which is good because it gave me time to run errands and visit with my grandparents. Kade and I actually went to Schlotzsky's for dinner instead of fighting huge crowds and horrendously long wait times. It was great because we walked into an empty restaurant and were alone pretty much the whole time. It was a nice relaxing weekend!
This weekend Kade came home. He had a dentist appointment and his family had tickets to the Draper Temple open house. Kade "got to" help my dad change one of the front axles on the jeep on Friday before his appointment and then "got to" clean up the dog poop in the backyard. How lucky is he?!?! Kade was really good about it though. He wants to help when he's able to, and this weekend was the perfect time. Unfortunately we have learned that Jeep actually does stand for "Just Empty Every Pocket"! On our way up to the open house the drive shaft broke again. We took a chance on a used part because it's about $200 to $300 cheaper than a new "refurbished" part and lost. We'll be able to fix it, it's just more annoying than anything. I was actually laughing about it when I was talking to my family, so it's not the worst thing. My dad was very nice and brought us our other car so we could make it to the open house. We went to dinner at the Bombay House later that night and Kade convinced them to make his food nuclear hot. Believe me, I tried it.... Don't ask why, I'm still trying to figure that out. I think I'm still trying to impress him.
That's the news for the Gourley's. Not too much going on. Just making it through the time apart, looking forward to the time together. I will try to update this more often! Until then, enjoy yourself!